Pw idatabase
Pw idatabase

Find and talk to Duke Blacke, found wandering around Archosaur. Pick up the first quest anywhere in Archosaur to obtain Seal: Harshlands.Most seals require the player to complete the quests in order. Seals can be sold to NPCs at any time and do not affect the title quests in any way as they are not necessary for completing them. These seals offer hints to help the player complete the title quest chain, however these hints are usually vague. These titles are named after the items players receive in their inventory at the beginning of every title quest chain. Players can equip titles by accessing the Title Menu in the Character window by pressing the C key in game. Leaving the area will result in the title quest disappearing and the player having to pick it up again. Most title quests can be picked up and kept in the Title Quest Tracker indefinitely, however some title quests might require that the player remains in a specific area until they complete them. If the player has triggered the title quest but is unable to pick it then re-logging will generally fix the problem. If the title quest scroll icon does not pop up despite being in the correct area, it is advised to try re-logging, restarting the client or moving around as the title quest trigger might be bugged. Various title quests will require the player to be on a flyer at a specific altitude.

pw idatabase

If the player fails one step, they will have to start over from the very first quest of that particular title quest chain. Some title quests are part of quest chains. The "Show/Hide" Quest Tracker button in the Quest window. The arrow on the right side of the Quest Tracker can be used to minimize and maximize the list of your tracked quests. To enable or disable the Quest Tracker, open your Quest window with the Q key and click the "Show/Hide" button at the bottom of the window to make it appear or disappear.

pw idatabase

You can view a title quest's objectives in the Quest Tracker under the "World" tab. Title quests do not appear in the quest log, and will not take up any space in your quest log. The Title Quest tracker, found under the "World" tab. By clicking the scroll, players will open the title quest window from which they can receive the title quests. A scroll icon will appear next to the mini-map whenever a title quest has been triggered. Players will have to visit specific locations to receive the quests. Unlike normal quests, title quests are not given out by NPCs. The scroll icon that appears when a title quest is triggered.

Pw idatabase